Freitag, 16. August 2013

And so it begins - Nun fängt es an

The start of an adventure

Hello, I'm Julian Liebaert. I've grown up and lived all my life in Brussels, Belgium. I'm half German and half Belgian. In about 30 minutes I will start the biggest adventure of my life..

I'm very lucky to have been chosen by the Belgian national committee to represent my country at the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West in Montezuma, New Mexico.

This last month I've been spending as much time as possible with my family and we had an amazing time camping in Scotland. I really hope that I won't get too homesick being a few 1000 km away from everything I've lived with all my life.

My first flight goes to Washington, DC, where I will spend a day with my parents. We have 5 suitcases for 3 people and I already know that there will be a tortuous weight-lifting at the baggage claim in the US-american capital. It's really hard to choose what to take and what not, I guess that I've probably taken too much stuff, but as I'd say; there's never something as too much..
Right now my feelings are mixed between anxiety of leaving everything I know behind me and the happiness of starting something totally new; it's pretty exciting. I hope that I haven't forgotten anything and that the journey won't be too stressful. I've decided to write my posts in this blog in German and in English (at least for the moment).
On the 19th of August I'll be meeting all my fellow first- and secondyears, which I am really looking forward to.

I've never blogged in my life, so excuse any mishaps that could happen.

I'll try to post again tonight when I'm in my Washington hotel.

PS: It's strange to sleep for the last time in the bed you've known your whole life.

Der Beginn eines Abenteuers

Hallo, Ich bin Julian Liebaert aus Brüssel, Belgien. Ich bin halb Deutscher halb Belgier. Dieser Blog wird so etwas wie mein Tagebuch (natürlich nicht mit zu vielen privaten Geheimnissen) während meiner zwei Jahre im United World College von Montezuma im US-Bundesstaat New Mexico. 

In etwa 20 Minuten kommt das Taxi, dass meine Eltern und mich zum Flughafen bringen wird, wo wir einen Flug nach Washington DC nehmen werden. Dort werden wir zu dritt einen Tag die Stadt besichtigen bevor es dann richtig losgeht und ich schliesslich am Montag, dem 19. August voraussichtlich um 12Uhr im UWC ankommen werde.
Es war schwer alles zu packen, was man für 2 Jahre im Ausland braucht. Da meine Eltern mich begleiten habe ich aber Anspruch auf mehr Gepäck, was mich natürlich erleichtert hat.

Jetzt ruft mein Vater mich schon. Ich werde probieren heute Abend in Washington wieder etwas zu posten.


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